Auto Accidents

Car Accident Chiropractic Plymouth, MN

A car crash.

Bomberg Chiropractic specializes in caring for injuries to the spine and soft tissue caused by auto accidents. No matter how minor your accident may have seemed, you should have your spine examined to rule out injury. While you may feel fine initially, you may start to notice pain or discomfort later on. Dr. Bomberg has many years of experience treating injuries from auto accidents and will make the treatment process simple and stress-free. 

Our staff can also work with insurance companies as needed, whether it’s your healthcare insurance or an auto insurance provider. We offer pricing options that cater to all situations and strive to make chiropractic care affordable for all. 

Chiropractic Care Following an Auto Accident

Auto accidents can be a dramatic and life-changing event. Whether you’ve experienced a major collision or a minor fender bender, the physical effects caused by an auto accident can persist long after the event. By taking a proactive approach and seeking chiropractic care , you can identify and treat any existing injuries and prevent them from becoming more debilitating. 

Whether you’ve recently experienced an auto accident, or need treatment for injuries resulting from a previous accident, Dr. Bomberg can help. He will provide you with a thorough examination and personalized treatment plan to help you feel your best. 

By seeking professional care right away, you’ll be able to receive immediate treatment for any injuries you may have experienced. You’ll also have a documented history of your injuries that may be needed for insurance purposes.

Use Auto Insurance to Cover Accident Treatment

Some patients may pay for their treatment out of pocket, while others leverage insurance coverage to pay for chiropractic treatment. Minnesota is a no-fault state, meaning you can use your auto insurance for all coverage.

Dr. Bomberg can help you work with Progressive, State Farm, Farmers Insurance, Liberty Mutual, Nationwide, Geico, Allstate, American Family Insurance, Travelers Insurance, and other auto insurance companies to get chiropractic care covered after your accident.

Symptoms to Watch for After a Car Crash

Depending on the severity of your auto accident, the symptoms you experience may be difficult to detect. Immediately following the accident, you may not even notice any problems at all. However, as time goes on, you may start noticing pain or discomfort that wasn’t there before. By having a chiropractor examine you right after an accident, you can detect subtle injuries and begin treatment before they progress. 

If you decided to wait to seek treatment, and are now starting to notice symptoms, it’s not too late. Here are some of the most common symptoms that arise following an auto accident. Read our reviews and hear from patients like you we’ve helped through their recovery.


Headaches are one of the most common complaints we see from victims of auto accidents. While headaches can be a symptom of a major injury, they are most commonly caused by injury to the muscles and ligaments of the spine.

By treating the supporting structures of the spine, your chiropractor can help relieve the pain caused by headaches.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common injury following an auto accident, and it can also be the most disruptive when you try to resume your normal routine. Often, neck pain is the result of an injury to the tissues in your neck.

These tissue injuries cannot be detected using equipment such as MRIs but can be diagnosed through palpation of the area by your chiropractor.

Low Back Pain

Whiplash from auto accidents can injure more than just your neck. Low back pain is actually incredibly common. Even though your lower back does not typically experience the same amount of distress as your neck during a collision, compression due to whiplash can lead to lower back pain.

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