As someone who has competed in Ultimate Frisbee at the international level, Dr. Bomberg knows firsthand just how hard
the sport can be on an athlete’s body. Muscle strains and sprains are quite common in the sport, with the ankles,
knees, shoulders, and hands being among the most frequently injured anatomical regions. Luckily, many of these
injuries can be avoided with the proper prevention measures.
In his spare time, Dr. Bomberg enjoys helping his fellow athletes prevent and treat injuries through his sponsorships
of Ultimate Frisbee teams. He regularly attends practices to support players, and gives them tips on things they can
do, both on and off the field, to prevent injuries. His focus is on showing players the value of doing warm up and
cool down exercises now, rather than having to fix injury-related issues down the road.
If a player does get hurt on the field, Dr. Bomberg steps in to assess the injury, and serves as the player’s primary
reference on their road to recovery.