
From monthly archives: September 2017

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'September 2017'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Get to Know Your Doctor - Tom Bomberg

What motivates you to work hard?

The miracles that go on in the clinic. When you see a patient walk into the office knowing that they have had headaches for their whole lives and after one appointment, they went without a headache for a few hours or days, is incredible. I love seeing the direct impact treatments have on people. I am motivated to get incredible results quickly because that is what gets me excited for the day.

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5 Back Straining Exercises You Should Avoid

How effective a workout routine is at getting you in shape is largely determined by proper positioning. If you perform the exercise using correct form, then you’ll get the desired result without hurting your spine. If you demonstrate poor posture, however, you may find that your back will suffer even if you are a corporate athlete. Below we list five of these pain inducing workout routines to stay away from.

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