As with most things in life, consistency is key. The same can be said for chiropractic care. Sporadic appointments are helpful, but keeping a consistent schedule will have a more powerful effect on your body, reduce chronic pain, and keep your body in alignment. 

There are different ways to make chiropractic care part of your regular routine, and some lifestyle changes can greatly improve your chiropractic adjustments. 

Consider these suggestions from Bomberg Chiropractic to keep chiropractic care a part of your regular routine. 

Schedule Regular Appointments

Staying on top of your chiropractic care and scheduling regular appointments can help you maintain a consistent routine. 

Depending on what your chiropractor suggests, you can schedule your next appointment after your current one – either weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. That way, your next appointment is on your calendar. 

Regular appointments help keep your body aligned as your chiropractor administers adjustments. This way, you can avoid situations where you need to make an appointment, but the office is booked.

Use Good Posture

Good posture can help prolong the life of your chiropractic adjustments. When sitting at a desk, try to pull your shoulders back and sit upright with your heels on the floor. 

Keep your elbows close to your sides. You can also ask your chiropractor for suggestions on maintaining proper posture. 

Exercise Regularly

Chiropractic adjustments benefit from regular exercise. If your body doesn’t move enough, you can start to feel sore and tight. 

Regular movements like walking, swimming, cycling, or any other activity can keep your joints and muscles in better shape. However, after an adjustment, avoid vigorous exercise, such as heavy workouts or weight lifting. 

Work with your chiropractor to determine how much exercise you can do right after your adjustment. 

Helpful Exercises

If you’re looking for ways to improve your chiropractic care at home, perform these exercises in between appointments to help your body. 

  • Chin tucks
  • Abdominal curls
  • Hip flexor stretches
  • Cat-cow stretches
  • Downward dog pose
  • Pectoral stretches
  • Scapular retractions (bring the shoulder blades together)

Improve Your Sleep

Using the wrong mattress or pillow can cause neck and back pain. Chiropractic care can help relieve some of that pain, but you also need to tackle it at the source. 

Ask your chiropractor for recommendations on mattresses and pillows to help you sleep better and reduce pain. Being aware of your sleep position can also help improve sleep and reduce pain. 

Ergonomic Furniture

If you sit at a desk for most of your day or spend a lot of time standing, try incorporating ergonomic furniture

Ergonomic chairs can help keep your body in the correct position while sitting, and floor mats for standing can help alleviate pain and pressure on your joints. 

If using a computer is a major part of your day, consider purchasing ergonomic keyboards or mice. These are shaped to help prevent wrist pain and tendon problems. 

Set Up Regular Chiropractic Care with Dr. Bomberg

Whether you are a new patient or have some experience with chiropractic care, consider joining Bomberg Chiropractic for total body wellness. With many specialty services, Bomberg Chiropractic is a comprehensive chiropractic provider in Plymouth, Minnesota

Check out our reviews from happy patients who have received excellent care from Dr. Bomberg. 

To schedule a new appointment, call us at 763-450-1755 or reach out to us online!