If you work long hours in the office, you may be experiencing a tremendous amount of pain from sitting all day long. The strain on the spine and the reduced blood flow from sitting at a desk all day and not moving around can intensify over time.


Bomberg Chiropractic offers comprehensive Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) therapy for corporate athletes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We utilize TENS therapy to ease the pain and suffering that our patients feel after working a long week in the office.


To find out more about our treatments and how they can help realign your joints as well as reduce pain in the affected areas, contact our office today.

What is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulations?

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation is a type of therapy that utilizes low-voltage electrical current to reduce pain relief where it hurts most. We apply electrodes to the affected area or pressure points.


Once we attach the electrodes, a gentle current passes through the skin and travels along the nerve fibers. The current eliminates the pain signals that the nerves are relaying to your brain.

TENS is an ideal alternative for short-term and long-term pain. It can also be used to eliminate muscle spasm.


The treatment helps increase blood flow and ease the strain on the spine

Why Undergo TENS Therapy for Pain?

Applying electrodes to pain areas allows us to reduce the pain almost anywhere in your joints, spinal column, muscles or places along the body. There are numerous benefits to TENS therapy.


●        Spinal pain relief: TENS can give you the relief you've been looking for from sitting all day long or working in stressful conditions. By TENS into your treatment plan, you no longer need an invasive solution or prescription medication.

●        No side effects. TENS produces zero side effects because no invasive surgery can produce even more pain and scar tissue or medication that can lead to all types of side effects.

●        Increases blood flow. Low-frequency TENS increases blood flow in participants who are healthy but suffering from pain due to sitting for long periods.

The TENS Therapy Procedure to Reduce Your Pain

The TENS therapy we use in our clinic is both advanced and simple. Dr. Bomber begins by giving you a thorough assessment to determine the location and severity of your pain. He then applies the electrodes to the skin in the areas where you hurt and administers the electrical current. You may feel a slight sensation with little to no discomfort.

Results You Can Expect From the TENS Procedure

Although each person responds to the tens procedure differently, the results are essentially the same. The reduction in pain is different for each person. For example, some people feel pain relief instantly while others begin experiencing pain relief in just a few days. If you stick with the treatment pain, you’ll begin to notice the difference.

Pain Relief in Minneapolis, Minnesota

If pain caused by strenuous working conditions is getting you down, then contact Bomberg Chiropractic. We offer a wide range of treatments for victims of car crashes including TENS therapy.


To schedule a consultation or chiropractic treatment, call us at 763-450-1755. You can also send a message to drb@bombergchiropractic.com.