2018 can be your best year yet. By setting a few goals and making healthy choices, you can be on your way to living a happier, fuller life. Bomberg Chiropractic does more than provide lower back treatment. We also help our clients find the life they’ve always wanted to live by providing healthier solutions to many of your day to day routines. Below are some suggestions on how to do things better while reducing the amount of strain you have on yoLoginur back, neck, and shoulders.


Do Dishes Without Breaking Your Back

One of the causes of lower back pain is excessive internal pressure in the spine that distorts or stretches the soft tissues. Soft tissue has pain sensors that respond to stress or torsion. When you wash dishes, the internal pressure increases. You may have to visit Bomberg Chiropractic if you do this for a prolonged period.


Cook Like Nobody’s Watching

One of the simplest things you can do to avoid back pain when cooking is to rearrange all of your pots, pans, and dishes so that you are not continually bending down to retrieve them. The constant back-bending motion you use can do damage to your lower back area. If you cook three times a day, it magnifies the problem. If you’re already feeling pain due to cooking, spinal decompression can get you back into shape.


Clean Clothes the Smart Way

When you fold laundry, you usually have your arms out in front of you while putting clothes on hangers or to straighten out a towel before you wrap it. Your back needs to compensate for the weight and motion, causing strain on the muscles. You also have to bend down to pull the laundry out of the dryer. Instead of bending down, we recommend that you bend your knees and dump the laundry into a basket. Then lift the basket with your legs. This motion reduces the strain on your back.


Dance While You Wait

If you find yourself standing for long periods of time, then try ‘dance’ motions or stretches to keep distributing the tension throughout your body instead of isolating it on the lower back. Here are some dance moves that you can do without looking silly in public (Google them if you need more information):


●        Leg lifts on to the toe - like ballerinas

●        Arm, shoulder, and leg extensions

●        Hip-Hop chest pump & pelvic tilt

●        Sidestep with a shuffle

●        Core up downs


Netflix Watching Done Right

If you have an AppleTV or a Roku, chances are you headed straight for Netflix. While Netflix provides excellent programming, it also encourages binge watching (watching your favorite TV show for hours at a time). While viewing Netflix can have its downsides, it’s also the perfect time to do yoga. While doing yoga, you can get into comfortable positions that align with the TV so that your body’s in proper alignment. Yoga offers back opening and releasing postures while also providing adequate breathing which is good for the back.


Bomberg Chiropractic Offers Chiropractic Adjustment

If your daily routine is causing severe back pain, visit Bomberg Chiropractic for lower back pain treatment, spinal decompression, and other chiropractic care. Our certified and experienced doctors provide stimulating back, neck, and shoulder alignment that will make you feel better and more capable of living life to the fullest. To schedule an appointment or initial consultation, contact us at 763-450-1755, or you can message us at drb@bombergchiropractic.com. We provide chiropractic services for clients in New Hope, Golden Valley, and Plymouth, Minnesota.